Naya Rivera Slams ‘Douchebag’ Justin Bieber Over His Shirtless Selfie

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago

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Naya Rivera has had one hell of a week co-hosting on ‘The View’.

Just one day after telling the world that she stinks doesn’t shower regularly (and later apologizing), she branded Justin Bieber a ‘douchebag’ for posting a shirtless selfie.



Justin posted the shirtless selfie as a way to prove that his recent Calvin Klein ads were NOT photoshopped.

However, Naya just can’t get with it.

‘I care less about the Photoshopping than I do about the shirtless selfie,’ said Naya. ‘It’s annoying. You look like a douchebag.’

She added


Girls don’t want to date guys that are constantly in a mirror. Like, stop. Go fix something in the house. That’s hotter.’

 Or could it be that Naya’s a little salty because she doesn’t shower JB’s good friends with her ex Big Sean?

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