Wendy Williams Speaks on Being Called ‘Transgender’: ‘There is no stronger woman’ [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago

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Wendy Williams has been in the business for a long time, and any celeb knows people say the nastiest things — especially in the age of social media.

How does Wendy, who was born a woman, feel about being teasingly taunted as transgender over the years? While promoting her new stand-up comedy show Lipshtick in Las Vegas, Wendy revealed  to ABC’s Entertainment Pop that the show pokes fun at her rough childhood and rumors that have followed her as an adult. 

She says:


“People do think I was born a man. That is absolutely not [true]. I get it. I’ve got a strong face, a strong body, I’m 5’11. I wear wigs. There’s no worse way to insult a woman than by saying she looks like a man, but once a woman gets over that, there is no stronger woman.”

That’s right Wendy! It’s not what they call you, but what you answer to! 

Check out the clip below. 

ABC News | ABC Sports News

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