Nick Minaj Stops by ‘Good Morning America’, Premieres ‘Pills N Potions’ Clip Starring The Game [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago

Screen Shot 2014-06-06 at 8.47.52 AM

Nicki Minaj stopped by Good Morning America to premiere a clip of the video for her new single, “Pills N Potions.

While talking to GMA’s Laura Spencer about the clip, she revealed she was going for a more ‘toned down’ look.

“It’s just a toned down look. It takes a lot less time to get out the house. And I’m using my natural hair….The crazier you look the crazier you think you can be. But I think at a certain point you have to be able to turn that on no matter how you look. And that’s kind of where I am right now.”


As far as when we can expect her new album, The Pink Print, she said:

“It will be out this year.  I know the date but I don’t want to say the date.  I want people to absorb the singles as they come out.”

Singles? Hmm…we wonder what’s next.

Get into the video clip below.


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