She Did That! Woman in Active Labor Walks in College Graduation to Receive Diploma Before Heading to Hospital [Photo]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 6 years ago

Anshonarial Greenhouse was determined to walk across the stage and receive her college diploma — even though she was in labor.

via People:

The 31-year-old pregnant student from Marksville, Louisiana, — who had begun having contractions at 25 weeks and received medicine to stop her early contractions — walked across the stage during Louisiana State University of Alexandria’s fall commencement ceremony on Dec. 13, as reported by The LaFayette Daily Advertiser.


With a little help from the school’s baseball coach, Greenhouse received her bachelor’s in business administration, with a concentration in accounting. What made the ceremony even more of a can’t-miss-moment was the fact that her mother, Elaine Young, was also graduating that day in accounting.

“I knew it was a possibility I couldn’t walk (at graduation), but I really pushed to be able to go,” Greenhouse told the outlet. “In accounting, there are only like 10 students. I wanted to be there with them.”

Though she was determined to receive her diploma and take part in the commencement with her classmates, she was far from comfortable during the ceremony.

“It was rough walking across that stage,” said Greenhouse, who warned the LSUA staff and on-site Acadian Ambulance beforehand.


Dressed in her cap and gown, the mother-to-be headed to the nearby hospital right after crossing the stage.

On Saturday, Greenhouse, who is also mom to 10-year-old daughter Makhia, gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Zaire.

Congrats, Anshonarial!

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