Will Smith Slams Kardashian Family Comparisons: ‘Fame is a by-product of what we’re trying to accomplish’

BY: Denver Sean

Published 12 years ago

will jaden smith

Don’t compare the Smith family to the Kardashian family. Will Smith is not having it.

In a recent interview with Smith and his 14-year-old son Jaden, the actor shot down the notion that the Smiths are anything like reality TV’s first family, and wouldn’t even let his son answer a question about the Kardashians.

While discussing their new film “After Earth,” Vulture writer Claire Hoffman noted that it’s been reported that Jaden and Kylie Jenner are dating and that the Kardashians have treated fame as the family business, before asking if the Smiths see themselves as similar or different?


The teenager said, “I’m trying to understand,” before his father raised his hand to finish the answer.

“Don’t. You know, he’s never had to, to deal with those kinds of questions.”

When Hoffman attempted to rephrase the question asking them to disregard the Kardashians, the elder Smith interrupted again:

“So how do you think your life is similar or un-similar to people’s names in Calabasas?” Will said mimicking the interviewer, before answering the question.


“For our family, the entire structure of our life, our home, our business relationship — the entire purpose is for everyone to be able to create in a way that makes them happy,” he explained. “Fame is almost an inconsequential by-product of what we’re really trying to accomplish. We are trying to put great things into the world, we’re trying to have fun … So the idea of fame or exploitation or orchestrating the media is sometimes even less than desirable for us.”

When Hoffman followed up her question by asking if Jaden could have been a dentist and not an actor, the 44-year-old became somewhat defensive:

It may seem like we have pushed our kids into the business, but that is absolutely insane. I would never, ever, push somebody to have their face on a poster that’s going be everywhere in the world. He is making a choice from the informed. It’s less scary to me than if he wanted to be a dentist in that I couldn’t help with what he’d chosen. I have relationships with some of the biggest filmmakers and actors and producers on Earth. So I can be a huge help.

Well, there you have it. They’re totally different families. 

via Huffington Post

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