Say What Now? New Mexico Restaurant Under Fire for Selling ‘Black Olives Matter’ T-Shirts [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 8 years ago


An Italian restaurant in New Mexico is attempting to cash in on controversy by selling t-shirts with the phrase ‘Black Olive Matter’ plastered across the front.

It’s not the first time this particular restaurant has used the phrase. Last year, restaurant owner Rick Camuglia said he put the phrase on the restaurant’s main sign to sell a new dish the they were offering — a tuna dish with black olive tapenade.

via ABC:


Camuglia posted pictures of the dish and the sign on Facebook, which resulted in both backlash and support.

Criticism came from many across the web saying that Camuglia was being insensitive and trivializing an important movement for the African-American community.

Camuglia told Action 7 News he wasn’t trying to stir racial tensions, but was only trying to sell food and get people’s attention.

The owner said people from all over the world have contacted him giving support.


“It’s gone so viral. We’ve gotten calls from Australia, Spain, France, you name it,” Camuglia said.

He said he put together the shirts and hats because people who showed support asked if they could buy a souvenir from the restaurant.

All the while, Camuglia said business is soaring.

“People have filled the restaurant and told us to leave up the sign,” Camuglia said. “That’s great, you know, because a lot of people make a living off working for this restaurant.”


The restaurant’s location is 1935 Eubank Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112 — for those of you interested in…stopping by.

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