Proud Parents Kanye West & Kim Kardashian Wear Matching ‘Nori’ Necklaces [Photos]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago

Kanye Kim Nameplate Nori Lovebscott

This is too cute. Kanye West was spotted returning to his home on Friday wearing a gold nameplate necklace with his daughter Nori’s name.

Kanye Nori Necklace Lovebscott

It’s identical to the one Kim Kardashian wore the other day.


Kim Kardashian Kanye West Nori Nameplate

Here’s a closer look:

Nori Necklace Kim Kardashian Lovebscott

We wonder if Nori has one of her own…? Speaking of, have you seen the latest picture of little North West? She’s so cute!

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