Nicki Minaj Addresses Backlash Over Black History Month Event With TikTok: ‘I Heard You’ [Photo + Video]

BY: Walker

Published 3 years ago

TikTok has been under fired after hosting a Black History Month event with rapstress Nicki Minaj.

via: AceShowbiz

While going on Instagram Live on Wednesday, February 9, the “Super Bass” hitmaker told the viewers, “I had a really great call, a really great Zoom, with TikTok today. Shoutout to everybody that was on there.” She added, “I hear you guys. I heard what y’all were saying and let me see if I can schedule something else for you guys,” before stressing, “Trust me, I heard y’all loud and clear.”


Prior to Nicki’s statement, TikTok was under fire as the “Exclusive Black History Month Zoom” event, which allegedly had a 300 person limit, was dominated by non-Black creators. Many social media users and creators were quick to share their frustration online.

“So @tiktok held an ‘exclusive Black History Month Zoom’ with @NICKIMINAJ for us black creators but gave spots to NON BLACK creators over black creators who had received the invite AND then let the majority of questions for Nicki come from NON BLACK CREATORS,” tweeted one TikTok creator under the username @miloandnoah. “Make it make sense.”

“When we as a black community say we’re tired, we mean we’re tired. Businesses like @tiktok love to make big promises to the Black community, then exploit us & let us down,” @miloandnoah continued in a separate tweet. He concluded, “Huge thanks to @NICKIMINAJ for being so personable, inspiring, & genuine.”


A separate Twitter user fumed, “Tiktok going to hell for f**king up that black history month x nicki minaj meet up, like how you miss the BLACK part.” Another chimed in, “@TikTokSupport y’all owe these black creators an apology and y’all need to issue that apology RIGHT NOW! #TikTok #NickiMinaj #BarbzSecretMeeting.”

TikTok star Niccoya, who has 2.5 million followers, said in a TikTok video that the event was meant to give black creators the opportunity to meet their idol and that those with privilege shouldn’t have taken that from them. She said, “Wouldn’t you think to yourself that, ‘Oh, TikTok is holding a Black History Month event with Nicki Minaj and they’re inviting all of these black creators who are so excited to go,’ and say, ‘Hmm, maybe I should sit this one out?’ ”

Niccoya also reposted her video on Twitter, along with a caption that read, “I hate the event had to go the way it did.” She then thanked Nicki “for giving us amazing advice as black creators and supporting us on the platform.”

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