Melyssa Ford Badly Injured in Car Accident Involving 18-Wheeler, Suffers Fractured Skull, Bleeding Brain, and Serious Concussion

BY: Denver Sean

Published 7 years ago

Melyssa Ford is reportedly in the hospital recovering from a horrific car accident after an 18-wheeler clipped the vehicle she was driving.

According to a friend’s Instagram post, Melyssa’s jeep flipped three times and she sustained a fractured skull, bleeding brain, as well as a concussion.

You can read her friend’s emotional post below.


Just yesterday my best friend/adopted big sister @melyssaford Got clipped by an 18 wheeler…her jeep flipped three times. Thank god she was wearing her seatbelt but sustained serious head inquiries. She fractured her skull as well as a concussion and bleeding in her brain. Seeing you in the hospital bed reminded how short life is and how fast things can happen. Driving home yesterday from the hospital completely choked me up. It’s a blessing you are still here with us. However I’m absolutely disgusted by the lack of sensitivity and ignorant comments being made on instagram. This is not a joke. She is beyond lucky to be alive. Nothing is fucking funny about someone getting in a car accident. Mel has an 10 inch open wound that had to be surgically closed with staples and stitches and several abrasions on her body. Life is short and so please spread love. Please only send my friend love and healing during this time. Hug your loved ones and hold them close ? love you @melyssaford and I’m glad you’re still here with us.

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