Kourtney Kardashian Poses Nude for Brian Bowen Smith’s ‘Metallic Life’ Series Featured in ‘Vanity Fair’ [Photo]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 9 years ago


Kourtney Kardashian stripped down in the name of art for a special project by photographer Brian Bowen Smith.

Smith’s Metallic Life series is featured in the latest issue of Vanity Fair and the portraits are described by the mag as “unlike any nude photographs you’ve seen before.

via Vanity Fair:


Printed on metallic paper, and presented with no glass, they emphasize the “tantalizing textures of skin,” as Smith puts it. On display at the De Re Gallery in Los Angeles, from October 22 to November 19,Metallic Life captures the vulnerability and true nature of its subjects—including Kourtney Kardashian—photographed through the exposure of their skin. Click through to see an exclusive selection of the Metallic Life portraits.

It’s a beautiful shot. Click here to see the rest of the series.

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