Kim Kardashian Addresses ‘Fake Butt’ Rumors: ‘I will never conform to your skinny standards’

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago

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Kim Kardashian has been under a lot of scrutiny in the press lately regarding her massive backside — especially after these photos. Many believe Kim’s gone under the knife (or needle) to enhance her butt.

She’s had enough of the rumors and took to Twitter to address them.

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She writes:

I’m seeing all these nonsense tabloids claiming I have butt implants-injections. Get a life! Using pics of me 15lbs skinnier (before I had my baby) comparing to me now! I still have weight to lose. Anyone who has had a baby knows how hard it is to lose weight(especially the last bit of weight) & your body totally changes! Making fun of me pregnant & making fun of me trying to lose weight now shame on you. I’m not perfect but I will never conform to your skinny standards sorry! Not me. And BTW I’ve lost a lot so far & I’m proud of that! Don’t give young girls a complex!

Pop off, Kim!

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