Jonathan Majors' Motion to Toss Criminal Charges Rejected, Will Be Sentenced |

Jonathan Majors’ Motion to Toss Criminal Charges Rejected, Will Be Sentenced

Jonathan Majors requested that the court enter judgement of acquittal, tossing aside his conviction. However, he has been denied.

The actor was previously convicted of third degree assault and harassment in Dec. 2023 after he was arrested in March of the same year. Police responded to a call to his home where they found his ex-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari, slumped in a closet. During the hearing, he faced four charges, not all of which he was found guilty for.

As TMZ reports, Majors’ legal team filed to have the charges tossed, making a few different arguments as the basis for their position — namely, they felt that the charges he was ultimately convicted of were unfairly assigned at the end of the trial.

You’ll recall … we’d been told that Majors’ lawyers believed that the prosecution had been trying to convince the jury of an alleged assault Grace Jabbari claimed happened inside of their vehicle that night … but when push came to shove, Jonathan was ultimately convicted on what had happened outside of the car. Specifically, him putting her back inside the SUV.

Our sources told us that his team feels when prosecutors realized they weren’t able to convince the jury of what allegedly happened in the car, they then pivoted and instructed the jury to focus on the “reckless” assault they claimed happened outside of it.

That’s what Majors was ultimately convicted of … one count of assault, and one count of harassment. While his team felt those charges weren’t justified, a judge just said they were.

Now, Majors will be sentenced on April 8. He’s facing up to one year behind bars worst case scenario — that, or probation … depending on what the judge decides.

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