Gay Pride: Two Male Lions Spotted Mating in Safari Park, Despite Female Lion Being Nearby [Photos]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 9 years ago


‘Gay pride’ has taken on a whole new meaning.

Two male lions in an African safari park were captured on camera getting it on — despite there being an available female lion to mate with nearby.



Lawyer Nicole Cambré took the photos during a safari trip and was told by her guide that these two lions have been doing it for about a week.


via Mail Online:

She said: ‘These males had pushed out the resident males earlier in the year and the other female lions had headed into the Mopani woodlands; an area difficult to access with a safari vehicle.’Only one lioness was seen in the centre of the concession where the male lions were and the lions showed no interest in the lioness leading to the assumption that she may have been pregnant.


‘It is the first time I have seen homosexual behaviour in lions, but when reading about it upon my return, it is not that uncommon. With the light just around sunset, it gave some spectacular images.

‘One of the lions was wearing a collar and our guide thought that they may have crossed from Namibia.’

Nicole Cambré is a lawyer from Brussels, Belgium with a passion for photography. One of her images won the nature category of the 2014 National Geographic photo contest.

While a male lion mounting another male lion may not be conclusive evidence of homosexuality, biologists have recorded same-sex sexual activity in more than 450 species including flamingos, bison, beetles and warthogs.


A 2010 study of Alaskan Albatrosses found that a third of the pairs actually consisted of two females.

How fascinating. Did you know there are transgender lions too?

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