Gabourey Sidibe Gushes Over Boyfriend Brandon Frankel: ‘You Make Me Happier Than I’ve Ever Been’ [Photos]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 5 years ago

Gabourey Sidibe is ushering in 2020 alongside boyfriend Brandon Frankel.

Brandon, whose Instagram bio says he works in “entertainment + marketing + branding,” took to Instagram to share a few photos of the couple along with a sweet dedication to Gabby.

“I’m truly thankful for my close family, friends, associates past and present…and most of all, for THIS Queen right here,” Brandon wrote. “You’re a ball of sunshine, so generous and giving of your time, resources, and love- and your excitement and passion for life and people/things you love truly lights up my heart. I love you more and more every single day- which seems impossible, but continually amazes me. Here’s to 2020- and thank you for loving me so unconditionally. I love being your forever-Dork. ??????.”


Gabourey responded with an equally-as-sweet message of her own.

“You’re my favorite Love Song. You’re the cherry on top of this last decade and the foundation of the next. I’m excited for all the matching hoodies, Mickey/Minnie outfits to DisneyLand, and your favorite shirts that somehow become MY favorite shirts.”

“You make me happier than I’ve ever been. I’m so glad we found each other and I’m gonna point and yell “DOG!” for you, when I see one in public forever.”

How sweet.



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Here’s to 2020- this past year was one of the toughest, but also one of the most rewarding and fulfilling of my life all at the same time! I’m truly thankful for my close family, friends, associates past and present…and most of all, for THIS Queen right here. You’re a ball of sunshine, so generous and giving of your time, resources, and love- and your excitement and passion for life and people/things you love truly lights up my heart. You’ve taught me so much about life, myself, and the world that is truly invaluable. You make me push myself to be a better me, even though you probably don’t even realize you are. I love you more and more every single day- which seems impossible, but continually amazes me. Here’s to 2020- and thank you for loving me so unconditionally. I love being your forever-Dork. ??????

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