90s Beef: Sisqo & Kyle from Jagged Edge Get into a Fight Backstage at a Concert [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago

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For whatever reason or another Sisqo got into it with Kyle Norman of Jagged Edge backstage at San Francisco’s KBLX’s Hot Summer Night concert in Northern California’s Concord Pavilion.

Some words were exchanged between the two men, hands got to moving — and it was all caught on tape! 

Babyface, Blackstreet, 112 and Next were also at the show, but they all managed to stay out of the drama.


The person responsible for uploading the clip captioned it with the following:

Sisqo & Kyle from Jagged Edge caught the rare FADE backstage at Concord Pavilion yesterday & being the boxing promoter that he is @mobetta_mochedda caught it all on tape !!! #SomethingInTheBayWater #TheyShookHandsLikeMenAfter

Now, these two know they’re old enough to know better! 

Check out the clip below.


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