Willow Smith – F Q-C #7 [New Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago

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Willow Smith marches to the beat of her own drum in the video for her new song, “F Q-C #7.”

If you’re a little confused, the song is pronounced “Frequency Number 7.”

In the clip, the 14-year-old appears side-by-side with four versions of herself dressed in different colors.


In an email toThe FADER she explains,

“The different Me’s represent my Chakras. Yellow is Self-confidence, Blue is my voice (song), Red is my survival instinct, and the Black is a combination of everything (the true me).”

Willow also says “F Q-C #7” was inspired by musicians Girlpool, tUnE-yArDs and Cree Summer.

Get into the video below!


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