Watch: Meteorologist Interrupts Live Report to Call and Warn Kids About Tornado [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 3 years ago

Doug Kammerer takes his job as a meteorologist seriously, but he puts his job as a father first!

via Complex:

While delivering a live weather report on NBC Washington, the network’s chief meteorologist received word that the National Weather Service had issued a tornado warning for the DC suburbs. Kammerer began to share details with the audience, before quickly realizing the tornado was on a path toward his home.


“I’m tracking this so closely now. This is gonna go right over my house,” Kammerer said, as he began calling his son on a phone. “So, very close to my house.”

Seconds later, Kammerer connects with his son and tells him to take cover as soon as possible.

“You there, buddy? Hey man, want you to get down in the basement,” he says while on air. “We’ve got a tornado warning and you … need to get to the basement now.”

“Right now?” a voice can be heard asking.


“Get down there right now,” Kammerer said. “Get in the bedroom down there and wait 10-15 minutes, OK? Do it now. OK, thanks, buddy.”

The meteorologist then hangs up the phone and gives a brief explanation to viewers.

“Alright. So, that was just … I’ve got to warn my kids, because I know what my kids are doing right now, and they are probably online gaming, and they are not seeing this,” he said.

Kammerer later confirmed his children were home alone at the time, but got through the tornado without any injuries.


“This was a scary moment for me,” he told TODAY. “As I am zooming in on the radar, I noticed my house is right in the path of the tornado. My kids were home alone and I knew they would not be paying attention to the warning. As I was live on air, I was debating in my head if I should call them while I was on TV and I soon realized I had to make that call. I had to protect my kids. Thank goodness no one was injured as a result of that tornado. We are all safe.”

Watch the clip below.

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