Victory! BMI Tells Trump Campaign Rihanna’s Music Has Been Removed from Blanket Licensing Agreement & Can No Longer Be Used

BY: Denver Sean

Published 6 years ago

Rihanna wasn’t playing around when she said she didn’t want her music played during Donald Trump’s rallies.

Not only did she send Trump a cease and desist, but she also got her music pulled out of a blanket ‘political entities license’ agreement used for campaigns.

via LA Times:


“BMI has received a communication from Robyn Fenty, professionally known as ‘Rihanna,’ objecting to the Trump Campaign’s use of Rihanna’s musical works,” said BMI’s Nov. 6 letter, obtained by The Times on Friday.

“As such … this letter serves as notice that Rihanna’s musical works are excluded from the [political entities] Agreement, and any performance of Rihanna’s musical works by the Trump Campaign from this date forward is not authorized by BMI.”

The letter was addressed to the Trump campaign’s associate vice-president, Jason Young; director of operations, Sean Dollman; and Bradley T. Crate of Red Curve Solutions, a treasurer for the campaign.

The BMI Music License for Political Entities or Organizations has been around for about a decade and covers music played at political campaign events wherever they occur. However, it contains a provision that if a BMI songwriter or publisher objects to the use of her or his song, the publisher may exclude that song from the license.


And it isn’t the first time that an artist has been asked to be removed from the agreement, either. Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler previously requested that BMI pull Aerosmith’s “Dream On” from use by the Trump campaign.

Right on.

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