Taraji P. Henson Apologizes to Police after Video Footage Shows Her Son May Not Have Been Racially Profiled [Photo + Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago

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Taraji P. Henson took to Instagram to issue a public apology to the Glendale Police Department after claiming her son Marcel was racially profiled near the USC campus.

After the university issued a statement with plans to investigate the incident, the police released the dash cam footage of Marcel’s encounter with the officers. As it turns out ‘racial profiling’ wasn’t exactly how things went down.

The officers let Marcel go after he failed to yield at a crosswalk and gave him a citation for having marijuana after Marcel admitted to having it in his backpack. The officer also warned Marcel about the severity of having possession of Ritalin without a prescription. The whole interaction was pretty peaceful.


Check out the footage:

Taraji later posted the following apology:



Taraji didn’t have to publicly apologize to the officers, but the fact that she did shows what a class act she truly is.

We’re willing to bet Marcel didn’t exactly tell his mama the whole story about his interaction with officers…but kids will be kids, right?

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