Tamar Braxton Shows Off Baby Logan in Us Weekly, Says She Didn’t Fall In Love With Him Right Away [Photo]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 12 years ago

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Tamar Braxton shows the world her baby boy Logan in the latest issue of Us Weekly.

In a new interview with Good Morning America, Tamar opens completely up about her experiences as a mother and shares what a lot of mothers go through but wouldn’t dare speak of. She didn’t immediately bond with her child.

I guess in a sense, I did feel unattached because I really really wanted to connect with him. I wanted to breastfeed and when he didn’t latch on and I couldn’t produce milk, I just felt like, ‘Is this the wrong child? Am I the wrong mother?’

I didn’t [immediately love him] but I loved him. It wasn’t like, “Oh gosh, yes! My baby! Ouuh!” It wasn’t like that! It was “What do I do now?”

She also revealed she had mixed feelings after the birth and was jealous of Vince’s connection with Logan.


I was in shock and it took me a few days to come to terms with the fact that I am a mom and this is my baby.

I was questioning my motherhood. Is this a mistake that God made. Is this something I should hand over to my husband, because he connected with the baby instantly. And I was jealous pretty much.

When he finally latched on [while breastfeeding], I felt like, “He got me and I got him and this was all meant to be.

Tamar now has a totally different outlook.

I am very happy. I feel complete. He is the best thing that ever happened to me.

We really appreciate Tamar’s honesty. Hopefully Tamar’s testimony will help other new mothers come to terms with their own similar feelings. And can we say how adorable baby Logan is! He’s so cute!


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