BY: Denver Sean
Published 10 years ago
Bill Cosby has never been proven a ‘rapist’ in the court of law, but after dozens of allegations against the comedian have surfaced in recent weeks — the court of public opinion (for the most part) says otherwise.
Someone felt so strongly that Bill Cosby is a rapist that he or she took it upon themselves to deface Cosby’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
As seen in the photo above, someone scribbled the word ‘Rapist’ all over it.
Buzzfeed confirms that the star has since been cleaned, but faint traces of the word still remain.
The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce issued the following statement:
“The Hollywood Walk of Fame is an institution celebrating the positive contributions of the inductees. When people are unhappy with one of our honorees, we would hope that they would project their anger in more positive ways then to vandalize a California State landmark. The star is being cleaned up at this time.”
Do you think the allegations against Bill Cosby have successfully ruined his image?