Say What Now? Police Arrest Male Walmart Worker for In-Store Prostitution

BY: Denver Sean

Published 12 years ago

Foster Bills

I’m pretty sure it’s against most company policies to sell sex on the job.

APRIL 26–A Walmart employee is facing a prostitution charge for allegedly “soliciting sexual encounters” inside the upstate New York store where he works, police report.

Foster Bills, 22, was arrested after Walmart managers contacted state troopers to report that they had received “an anonymous complaint of a male subject performing sexual acts in a secluded location” in the Queensbury store.

The “secluded location” was apparently a Walmart bathroom, and johns were solicited through Craigslist “casual encounters” ads.


In response to the Walmart complaint, cops launched an undercover investigation that resulted in Bills’s arrest Wednesday “after he accepted cash for sex from an undercover State Police Investigator,” according to a press release.

Seen above in a Facebook photo, Bills was charged with a misdemeanor prostitution count and ordered to appear April 29 in town court.

Investigators have also reportedly tied Bills to a Craigslist ad that sought to arrange sexual liaisons at a public library. “Young guy looking for a little spending money,” noted the “m4m” ad that indicates it was placed by a 22-year-old. (2 pages)

via Daily Mail

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