Say What Now? Michelle Obama’s Personal Secret Service Agent Secretly Disciplined Over X-Rated Texts

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago


One of Michelle Obama’s personal Secret Service agents has been quietly (well, not-so-quietly) disciplined after getting caught up in a sexting scandal!

Multiple sources have confirmed the incident, but have not named the agent nor the female staffer involved.

via Radar Online:


A close source with specific knowledge of the agent’s disturbing actions said he was posted outside an event Michelle attended that was co-hosted by former Sen. Elizabeth Dole for veteran caregivers in Washington, D.C.

“While on his protection assignment, the randy agent chatted up a woman he had the hots for!” the D.C. mole claimed.

According to a high-ranking government source, fortunately there were no security breaches at the event.
But later that night, the agent coyly texted the target of his lust.

He wrote: “Hi … it’s —- (Secret Service). Wanted to say it was a pleasure meeting you today. You helped make a routine assignment interesting.”


That seemingly innocent text was followed by overtly aggressive “sexts” concerning the staffer’s weekend plans.
When she replied, “You and I didn’t have plans,” he shamelessly answered: “We need to change that. I want to taste your p—y.”

The horndog agent then sent a snapshot of himself wearing the black slacks and white shirt typically worn by Secret Service members, with a bullet clip on his hip.

He later sent the stunned staffer an XXX-rated photo of himself wearing the same clothes with a tie — and flashing his exposed penis!

Now, this man is supposed to be busy protecting our beloved FLOTUS — not having freaky FaceTime on the government time clock!


The Secret Service has reportedly launched an official investigation and placed the agent on administrative leave. In a statement on June 5, spokesman Brian Leary confirmed:

“As is our policy with any allegations of misconduct, the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General (DHS-OIG) has been notified and the matter will be investigated jointly between the DHS-OIG and the Secret Service Office of Professional Responsibility.”

This sounds like an episode of Scandal waiting to happen…

[via Washington Post]

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