Say What Now? Texas Woman Wakes Up to Ceiling Fan Splattering Blood All Over Her [Video]

BY: Walker

Published 4 years ago

Imagine you’re sleeping in your bed and start to hear what sounds like rain, and even feel something dripping on your face. However upon turning on the lights, the water is actually blood.

via: Complex

An El Paso, Texas woman, Ana Cardenas, experienced something very, very gross when she was awoken by the sound of liquid dripping in her bedroom at 4 a.m.


She initially thought it was raining, but instead it was actually blood that seeped through her ceiling from her decomposing upstairs neighbor. Because she was using her ceiling fan (see: Texas + May) it was being splashed all around her room. It got on her walls, her bed, and her body. Also it smelled bad.

“It grossed me out, I was in shock, I thought this isn’t real this is a dream, wake up,” she said to KTSM-TV. “I called maintenance and they said are you sure and I said blood is falling on me.”

She used her phone to call 911 for help. Authorities came and busted down the door of the dwelling above her, coming across her deceased neighbor as a result. It turns out that the man had died of natural causes, and his body had been rotting for close to a week. Though you probably put it together, he also died directly above where Cardenas’ fan was.

“The firefighters knocked down his door and the body was laying exactly where my fan is underneath. He had carpet but the blood seeped through to my ceiling,” Cardenas said.


She added that the firefighters “took the fan down and a pool of blood came down.”

After the gross part comes the pain in the ass part. Cardenas had been spending a few nights at a hotel, but now finds herself battling the apartment management for compensation. Unfortunately for her she does not have renter’s insurance. A lawsuit is reportedly being prepped.

“I told them my bed is covered in blood and they told me they’re sorry but the insurance won’t pay it,” she said.

She adds that she’s traumatized, and that eating and sleeping are things she hasn’t been able to do since that night. She’s seeking counseling and also a medical exam to test for infections. A hazmat crew was called to the scene, and all the stuff that got sprayed with blood had to be tossed.


She has not re-upped her lease and is looking for an apartment. She has a GoFundMe, set up by her family, seeking donations for “property damage assistance.” As of this writing that fundraising effort has raised nearly three times its $5,000 goal.

I would be moving, that’s enough to give somone PTSD.

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