Say What Now? Several Patients Dead After Nurse Reportedly Injected Them With Tap Water Instead of Fentanyl

BY: Walker

Published 1 year ago

Sources say several Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center patients are dead and police are now conducting a criminal investigation.

via: Complex

According to NBC5 News, police were investigating at least one patient’s death at the medical center, and sources told them there were even more who died as a result of infections caused by faulty injections. Sources stated a nurse had injected patients with tap water to cover up the hospital’s misuse of pain medication, including fentanyl.


The Medical Center’s intensive care unit reported that up to nine or ten people caught infections and later died. The tap water that was used in the injections was reportedly not sterile and led to multiple infections of pseudomonas, which can be very dangerous to those with weak immune systems.

“It could cause sepsis, pneumonia, it could infect all the organs, so it could be a very severe infection,” said Dr. Robin Miller. The Asante Rogue Medical Center released a statement saying, “We were distressed to learn of this issue. We reported it to law enforcement and are working closely with them.”

As of press time, no one was arrested or charged, and Medford Police provided no more details. They only confirmed there’s an open investigation at the medical center.

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