Say What Now? 20-Year-Old Mother Dies from Flu Just One Day After Being Diagnosed

BY: Denver Sean

Published 7 years ago

Alani Murrieta, 20-year-old mother from Phoenix was diagnosed with the flu and passed away just one day after being diagnosed by her doctor.

She leaves behind a six-month-old daughter.

via NYDN:


Stephanie Gonzales, Murrieta’s aunt, said her niece left work early Sunday after saying she was not feeling well. She said her niece hardly ever got sick except for the occasional cold. “Monday she was still feeling sick, so her sister took her to urgent care, her and her kids. They diagnosed them with the flu, sent her home with flu meds,” Gonzales said. Gonzales said her niece’s condition worsened overnight and Murrieta’s mother took her to the hospital early Tuesday morning because she was having a hard time breathing. “Her oxygen levels were low. They took an X-ray around 9 that morning, and they told her she had pneumonia, and it kind of just went downhill after that,” Gonzales said.

According to Fox 10,  Alani checked into the hospital last Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. and died by 3:25 p.m.

With it being flu season, we encourage everyone to stay on top of their health.

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