Say What Now? 14-Year-Old Ohio Students Allegedly Fed Teachers Crepes Covered in Their Semen and Urine

BY: Denver Sean

Published 5 years ago

Seven students from Olentangy Hyatts Middle School in Powell, Ohio, have been accused of feeding their teachers crepes they covered with their own urine and semen.

via Complex:

As BuzzFeed News reports, seven boys at Olentangy Hyatts Middle School in Powell, Ohio, allegedly gave the teachers the crepes back in May. Their semen and a barbecue sauce mixed with their urine was discovered on the food.


The teachers were not named in the case, but charges against the boys, one of whom has since turned 15, were filed on Tuesday following an investigation from the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office. The food was sent for testing so that it could be verified whether it was contaminated or not. An attorney has said that the boys were suffering from what he referred to as “YouTube flu,” placing the blame squarely on internet influence.

“I believe this is a form of ‘YouTube flu,’ where kids are influenced by dumb pranks they see YouTube ‘celebrities’ do – it is a game of getting views, clicks, and likes,” attorney Brad Koffel explained. Four of the boys began planning to put semen on crepes days before they went through with it, with one of them bringing some in a plastic bag to school. When the students were making crepes in their classroom, he snuck it into his recipe and gave it to a teacher who ate it.

Another boy brought his semen into school, too, but didn’t go through with it. The boys together mixed urine separately into barbecue sauce to serve with chicken, which they then gave to four teachers. Four have been charged with complicity to assault a teacher, while the other three have been charged with assault on a teacher. Arraignment will take place this month. “They are not adults, and they are not going to be punished like adults,” Koffel added.

That’s absolutely disgusting.

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