Russell Wilson Reveals That He & Ciara Are Abstaining from Sex [Video] |

Russell Wilson Reveals That He & Ciara Are Abstaining from Sex [Video]


Discussing a celebrity couple’s sex life is pretty invasive, but since Russell Wilson recently opened the floodgates on the subject, leave it to us to dive right in.

During a Q&A with San Diego pastor Miles McPherson yesterday (July 5), Russell revealed that he and Ciara have yet to have sex. In fact, the couple doesn’t plan on having sex any time soon. You guessed it: Ciara and Russell are abstaining.

“She was on tour, and I was looking at her in the mirror, and God spoke to me. He said, ‘I need you to lead her.’ I told her, ‘What would you do if we took all that “extra stuff” off the table, and just did it Jesus’ way?'” 

Ciara “completely agreed,” but Russell made sure to state that the decision hasn’t been an easy one.

“I ain’t gon’ lie to y’all now. I need y’all to pray for us,” Russell stated, much to the crowd’s amusement.

Watch Russell’s incredibly sweet admission below.

Whew. Godspeed, y’all. Prayers up indeed.

For our patient followers, view the full 49-minute video below.

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