Redbox Challenges Netflix With $6 a Month Streaming Service

BY: Denver Sean

Published 12 years ago

Things are heating up in the online movie streaming race! Netflix is getting some pretty stiff competition.

Netflix has a new challenger in the streaming video category in Redbox Instant by Verizon, a service that starts at just $6-a-month.

The offering is expected to go live later this month in invitation-only beta. The options for the service include unlimited streaming and four DVDs a month from Redbox’s kiosks for $8 a month, and $9 for the same deal with Blu-ray discs.


Though Redbox didn’t mention it in a press release announcing the plan, AllThingsD reports that there will also be a $6 option for unlimited streaming only — less than the $7.99 Netflix currently charges. You can also buy and rent videos online from Redbox.

Reps from Redbox could not be reached for comment.

Redbox’s content is drawn from Epix, whose selections include Mission: Impossible Ghost ProtocolHugo and Captain America among its new titles and classics like Apocalypse Nowand Footloose. Other content will come from Warner Bros.’ older selections.

Verizon and Redbox, a unit of Coinstar, joined forces in February.


Redbox isn’t the first to take on Netflix in streaming. Amazon offers streaming as part of its $79 Amazon Prime membership. However, Amazon scrapped a plan to challenge Netflix more directly with a $7.99 monthly option.

via Mashable

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