Chris Brown caused a bit of controversy last night following his performance at the 2012 Billboard Music Awards. His lip-synched performance of “Turn Up The Music” didn’t go over too well with fellow celebrities Pink and Joe Jonas. John Legend’s girlfriend even felt the need to chime in. Here’s what they had to say via Twitter.
Joe Jonas: “What happened to people singing live???”
Chrissy Tiegen (John Legend’s girlfriend): “Live singing is a helluva thing.”
Pink: “One day if I lipsync, I hope I do it as well as him”
Chrissy seemed to be the most outraged, probably due to Team Breezy blowing up her mentions. After spending a few hours retweeting some of the shameful comments, she went on to say:
‘I’ve had comments ranging from “kill yourself you stupid HO” to “gold digging cunt” “get a f-cking job”, etc. because I don’t like him?…seriously. this isn’t your f-cking job. You guys are too young for this sh-t. too f-cking young. stop being psychotic. be strong women. listen to opinions without spewing pure maliciousness…John [Legend] has gotten numerous comments about him needed to “leash” me or “control” me. FROM WOMEN. please stop this. What are you even doing this for? some good music and dancing? good god. DO BETTER.
Do you think Pink’s comments were out of line or was she just stating her opinion? Check out the performance below and decide for yourself. Was Chris’ lip-syncing really that bad?
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