Nielsen and Twitter Establish Social TV Ratings

BY: Denver Sean

Published 12 years ago


Do you enjoy live tweeting with your followers during your favorite TV shows? Twitter has become a great indicator of what people are watching and engaging with on television. Nielsen has obviously been paying attention because today they announced the “Nielsen TV Twitter Rating.”

The Nielsen Twitter TV Rating is a significant step forward for the industry, particularly as programmers develop increasingly captivating live TV and new second-screen experiences, and advertisers create integrated ad campaigns that combine paid and earned media,” said Steve Hasker, President, Global Media Products and Advertiser Solutions at Nielsen. “As a media measurement leader we recognize that Twitter is the preeminent source of real-time television engagement data.”

“Our users love the shared experience of watching television while engaging with other viewers and show talent. Twitter has become the world’s digital water cooler, where conversations about TV happen in real time. Nielsen is who the networks rely on to give better content to viewers and clearer results to marketers,” said Chloe Sladden, Twitter’s vice president of media. “This effort reflects Nielsen’s foresight into the evolving nature of the TV viewing experience, and we’re looking forward to collaborating with Twitter ecosystem partners on this metric to help broadcasters and advertisers create truly social TV experiences.”


I think this is great! With many of our favorite TV shows using Twitter and special hashtags as ways to communicate with other fans, this just makes sense. The Nielsen TV Twitter Rating will begin during the Fall 2013 season.


via Nielsen

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