BY: Denver Sean
Published 7 years ago
If wondering #WhoBitBeyoncé has been keeping you up at night, we’re happy to report that Tiffany Haddish has finally revealed the identity of the mystery biter.
It was, in fact, Sanaa Lathan.
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Tiffany opened up about Sanaa’s family being upset with her for telling the story.
via THR:
With roughly two hours left in our flight, I broach the topic of Beyonce. In case you missed it, and at this point it’s hard to imagine you could have, Haddish recently told an insane story about a private party she’d been at where an actress bit the pop star’s face. The mystery of “Who Bit Beyonce?” all but broke the internet.
Haddish asks whether I know who did it, and I whisper the name that’s been rumored: Sanaa Lathan. She smiles. “I’m super good friends with her stepmom and her dad [Stan, a producer-director], and they were mad at me,” she reveals. “They were like, ‘Why would you do this to the family? You know, black actresses, you guys have to stick together, it’s so hard for you guys to get work as it is, why would you try to ruin her career?’ But I didn’t try to ruin her career. I never said her name! I was just trying to say how Beyonce kept me from goin’ to jail that night. I coulda just shut my whole career down.”
I wonder aloud if there’s been any other fallout, and she insists no, just the opposite. “The other day, someone was saying, like, ‘Oh my God, you should keep your mouth shut ’cause now you’re never gonna be invited to parties,’ but I got invited to way more parties after that,” she tells me. “It’s ridiculous how many parties. ‘Can you come to my party?’ ‘Can you come to my thing?’ They want me to talk about something at their thing ’cause they think, like, ‘This is gonna put me back on if Tiffany says something.'” If only Tiffany Haddish had time to party more.
Sanaa has long denied biting Beyoncé, but it looks like that was a lie.
Y’all are funny. Under no circumstances did I bite Beyonce and if I did it would’ve been a love bite ?
— Sanaa Lathan (@justsanaa) March 26, 2018