BY: Denver Sean
Published 11 years ago
Okay love muffins, take this one with a grain of salt because we find it hard to believe that Miley Cyrus would say something so ridiculous. Just as we suspected, Miley Cyrus did NOT say these things. She took to Twitter to debunk the rumors.
That quote people MADE UP about Beyonce just made me lol! Imagine if I said I got "the looks and the curves I'm just better!" Bahahahhaha
— Miley Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) January 2, 2014
How are people allowed to make up shit & then out quotes around it saying I said that shit! WTF!!?!
— Miley Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) January 2, 2014
Whew, we’re glad that’s all cleared up. If you’re still interested, check out the original article below…
According to reports, in a new interview with Love magazine, Miley goes on a tangent not only comparing herself to Beyoncé, but she also explains why she’s on her way to taking her spot.
We’re used to Miley saying things for shock value, but this is a bit much — very Kanye West of her.
Miley says:
“Beyonce has been a big inspiration to me but she’s been out for such a long time. She’s so talented and I think she’s at the top of the game now but people are always looking for new blood and that’s what I bring to the game now, new blood.”
She continues:
“I got the total package you know, the curves, the rhythm, and the voice. I’m just the best.”
Not finished yet, she brought precious Blue Ivy into the conversation:
“As Beyoncé grows in motherhood and all the crap it does to your body, it will create a vacuum for fresh young faces to rise up and no one else can properly fill that void right now. I’m the only white female singer that could fill that slot right now and do it right, you know?”
“I just feel like I was born for this time right now. I’m just the total package, you know? All things must start and end and I hope to have the same success as other icons in the game when my run is over. But for now, my run is just starting.”
These are some pretty heavy quotes. We need Miley to either confirm or deny these statements ASAP!