Listen to Frank Ocean’s Poetic Ballad That Didn’t Make the ‘Django Unchained’ Soundtrack [New Music]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 12 years ago


Frank Ocean recorded a song for Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained, but many of us were shocked to see that it didn’t actually make the film.

FUSE reached out to Tarantino himself for explanation:

Frank Ocean wrote a fantastic ballad that was truly lovely and poetic in every way, there just wasn’t a scene for it,” he said. “I could have thrown it in quickly just to have it, but that’s not why he wrote it and not his intention. So I didn’t want to cheapen his effort. But, the song is fantastic, and when Frank decides to unleash it on the public, they’ll realize it then.

Well, we didn’t have to wait long because Frank ‘unleashed it to the public’ this evening via his Tumblr. Take a listen to “Wiseman” below!

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