Kathie Lee Gifford Discusses Her Friendship With Bill Cosby: 'He Did Try to Kiss Me' | www.lovebscott.com

Kathie Lee Gifford Discusses Her Friendship With Bill Cosby: ‘He Did Try to Kiss Me’


Kathie Lee Gifford revealed on The Today Show earlier this morning that Bill Cosby once tried to kiss her.

The incident happened back in the 1970s, and while it’s not as shocking as the accounts of other women, it’s just one more piece to the ever-growing ‘Is Bill Cosby a Rapist?’ puzzle.

“I along with so many Americans and people around the world don’t want these (accusations) to be true,” she said on the “Today” show, according to the New York Daily News. “I will admit towards the end of the tour the last time I saw him he did try to kiss me.

“I said, ‘No,’ I said, ‘Bill, we’re friends.’

“He said, ‘OK, good night,” and I said, ‘Good night.’ I went into my room and he went into his room.”

“A lot of married men come onto single women,  … but once I said, ‘No, absolutely not,’ he respected it,” she later added.

She also added that when she and her backup singers opened for Cosby on tour, he would often brew them cappuccino after the show — a memory she said now gives her a “chill” because supermodel Beverly Johnson has claimed the actor drugged her using that same beverage.

Back in the day, Kathie served as the opening act for Bill Cosby over several years and frequently traveled on the road with him.

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