Joe Jonas Blows Off Fans, Tells Them ‘Get Out Of Here!’


Published 12 years ago


Does Joe Jonas have a major attitude problem?

After possibly being outed by a former friend a few weeks ago, Joe Jonas is causing some trouble with his fans. According to Radar Online, Joe was less than welcoming to some adoring fans in New York City last weekend. Andy Hertfield, a self-proclaimed long time Jonas Brothers fan, and friends were out on the Lower East Side of NYC when they saw the JoBro standing outside Sauce restaurant and approached him.

Andy, 19, recapped the night saying:


“As we were walking closer we saw that he was smoking a cigarette with [rumored beard/girlfriend] Blanda, and the minute he saw us walking closer he threw it down. After we approached him, he shook his head no. It was late, which we understood, but my friend asked for a picture anyway. That’s when Joe flipped out on us he said, ‘We do so much for you. We do everything and you want a picture? Get out of here.”

Andy went on to say that Joe and his girlfriend began to make fun of Andy and company, even causing one friend to tear, all while Joe laughed.

This is a shame if it’s true, because I’ve always liked Joe.

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