Iggy Azalea and Jackée Harry Got Into It on Twitter Over Absolutely Nothing

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago


Jackée Harry isn’t a fan of Iggy Azalea — and if you follow her on Twitter, you’d definitely know that by now.

Last night, Iggy was responding to some fans on Twitter and told one of them that “its really hard to see whos a fan of celebrity and whos a fan of me.”

Jackee jumped into the conversation with the ultimate shade, saying: “is it that hard sis? I assumed you could count them singlehandedly.”


The tweet was later deleted, but one user retweeted it:


And we all know Iggy wasn’t going to let that one go…




We have to admit — Auntie Jackée was being a little petty — but it sure was funny!


[via Vibe]

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