Ice-T Says He ‘Almost Shot’ an Amazon Delivery Driver for ‘Creeping Up’ to His Home

BY: Denver Sean

Published 6 years ago

Ice-T says he nearly shot an Amazon delivery driver after mistaking him for an intruder.

via People:

Following the incident, the rapper, 61, suggested on Twitter that the tech company should make their employees wear uniforms to help identify them.


“Message to Amazon: Now that you have regular people making your home deliveries… Maybe they should wear a Vest with AMAZON DELIVERY on it… I almost shot a MF creeping up to my crib last night… Just saying,” the Law & Order star wrote.

“Was he not wearing a delivery man uniform?” one fan wrote in response.

“No. They don’t wear ANY uniform. Just regular people workin… I ain’t mad at them. Just saying. That s— ain’t safe,” Ice-T wrote back.

Amazon’s Senior Vice President of Worldwide Operations & Customer Service Dave Clark tweeted back to Ice-T but didn’t seem too concerned as he made a joke in his response.


“Just sayin… thanks for the suggestion. We MF’ing love you and our drivers. Lots of innovations coming on this and many that already exist to help you track your package and delivery on a map.”

“Thanks for being a customer,” Clark added.

A representative for Amazon directed PEOPLE to Clarke’s response when asked for comment.

Several fans applauded Ice-T’s suggestion, tweeting “I hope y’all do take the suggestion seriously and consider some sort of identification for drivers or vehicles for the safety of drivers and customers!”


Honestly — we hope Amazon takes this feedback seriously. It’s only a matter of time before someone ‘stands their ground’ and an innocent person gets hurt…or worse.

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