Exclusive: Usher & Grace Miguel are Engaged + Confirmed Tameka & Usher Sex Tape Details | www.lovebscott.com

Exclusive: Usher & Grace Miguel are Engaged + Confirmed Tameka & Usher Sex Tape Details

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There’s been a bit of speculation, but www.lovebscott.com can exclusively confirm that Usher Raymond and his longtime girlfriend Grace Miguel are engaged.

Just a few weeks ago they were spotted in Miami, and if you look closely you can spot a ginormous rock on Grace’s finger.

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According to our sources, the couple is looking to have a very ‘lowkey’ wedding ceremony. The engagement could explain why Usher has finally decided to open up about his love life in recent months.

He told Billboard:

“I have an incredible partner and manager.  She has helped me through some of the hardest times in my life and my career.

She’s someone who has been able to support and understand all of who I am.  Not just as a dancer or as a performer or as a singer, but as a humanitarian and a businessman and as a person.  One thing that has come from having a great partner like Grace is being able to cherish the places that I’ve gone,” he says. “We see the monumental sites, go to the museums, eat in the best restaurants. I’m that guy now! In the past I’d do what I have to do and get on the bus to the next city. Life has become a vacation.”


In other Usher-related news, you may have seen a screenshot or two of what’s said to be a clip of Tameka Raymond & Usher’s sex tape.

Our sources can also exclusively confirm that the two getting down in the photos are INDEED Tameka Raymond and Usher.

In the leaked photos, Usher’s ding-ding looks super dark in the photos — but the tape was made way before the days of HD iPhone photography.

We can also confirm that Usher’s ding-ding is the exact same shade as the rest of his body.

The tape was stolen along with Usher’s computer and personal property back in 2009 and is currently being shopped around to the highest bidder. Usher has been doing everything in his power to get the screenshots taken down, but if the full tape DOES surface (which, you know it will) Usher’s prepared to use whatever legal means he can to stop distribution.

If you recall, back when the tape was first making headlines, Tameka Raymond released a statement regarding the leak, saying:

“I am a mother and entrepreneur. Sex tapes and pornography would not be my lane. I have no desire to be seen in that way.”

There may not be a Kim Kardashian-style roll out, but it looks like that tape is headed straight for the Internet.

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