Is Diddy Trying to Buy the Clippers from Donald Sterling?

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago


Since his Fuse TV deal fell through, Diddy has some extra cash on hand and might just be looking to buy the L.A. Clippers from career racist Donald Sterling.

Judging from his most recent tweet, it’s certainly a possibility.


NBA Commissioner Adam Silver announced earlier today that Donald Sterling has been banned for life from all NBA related activities and has been find $2.5 million…however he can’t legally be forced to sell the team in that manner.

In order for Sterling to be forced to sell the team, there needs to be a 75% vote amongst all of the NBA franchise owners. If voted, that would put the Clippers on the market for Diddy to buy — and he’s one of the few who could actually afford it.

What do you think? #DiddyBuyTheClippers?

[via KC]

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