Ciara Angers Fans With ‘#LevelUp’ Tweet Shaming Single Women for Not Having the Right ‘Spirit’ for Marriage [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 7 years ago

Ciara and Russell Wilson’s marriage seems to be going pretty well, but it looks like Ciara may have let all that wedded bliss go to her head.

The singer took to social media to share a clip of a sermon from John W. Gray III in which he calls out single women for not being marriage material.


“Here’s what the scripture says,” Gray preached in the clip. “‘He that finds a wife finds a good thing.’ It didn’t say, ‘He that finds a girl that he’s attracted to, who he then begins to date, who he then calls his girlfriend, who he then buys a ring, proposes to and makes her his fiancée, who he then marries later who becomes his wife. You’re not a wife when I marry you, you’re a wife when I find you.”

After Ciara’s tweet began catching eyes, Ciara’s mentions became flooded with those who both agree and disagree with her (and John’s) message.



What are your thoughts on the message Ciara’s trying to send?

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