Here We Go Again! Candace Owens’ TikTok Gay Claims Has Split Social Media

BY: Jasmine Franklin

Published 5 months ago

Credit: YouTube/Candace Owens

Candace Owens is no stranger to stirring up controversy. A conservative and loyal supporter of Donald Trump, Owens has made a name for herself with her bold, often inflammatory opinions. Known for criticizing movements like Black Lives Matter and feminism, she frequently takes shots at issues that resonate with progressive and marginalized communities.

Now, Owens has set her sights on TikTok, the popular social media platform. In a recent episode of her podcast, “Candace,” she made waves with her latest claim against the app and how it is “socially engineering” men to be gay.

Candace Owens Believes TikTok Is Making Men Gay


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In her podcast, Owens voiced concerns about TikTok manipulating users.

“I believe women are being socially engineered to hate men, and men are being socially engineered to be gay,” Owens proclaimed on her podcast.

And she made it clear, “Don’t at me.”

The far-right commentator painted TikTok as a component of a bigger conspiracy involving the media, Hollywood, and psychoanalysts aimed at manipulating American society into adopting behaviors she deems “unnatural.”


“They’re not socially engineering us to do good things,” Owens said. “They are making men more and more effeminate, encouraging effeminate behavior, and convincing women to hate men. This is just what I see happening, and it’s terrifying.”

Owens went on to bash single mothers who actively chose to raise their kids alone.

“Even in circumstances where the biological overrides and women are going, ‘You know what? Suddenly, I feel my biological clock ticking. I want to have a child.’ They are social engineering women to want to do that without men,” she continued.

Why Candace Owens’ Statements Are Problematic



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Owens’ opinion is problematic, like the other baseless claims she’s made over the years. TikTok provides a much-needed space for people — especially young people — to express themselves freely. Suggesting that TikTok can “turn someone gay” misrepresents how sexuality works and spreads misinformation. Sexual orientation isn’t something that can be manipulated by an algorithm or social media content, and making such claims perpetuates harmful stereotypes about the LGBTQIA+ community. Her comments are not only unfounded but harmful.

Additionally, Owens’ suggestion that women are being encouraged to turn against men reflects outdated, sexist tropes. She portrays men as the victims of a tech conspiracy and blames women’s autonomy and evolving views on relationships as part of some agenda. This narrative dismisses legitimate concerns many women have about relationships, power dynamics, and gender equality. More troubling, though, is how Owens positions both gay men and women as products of manipulation, undermining their agency and identity. Her commentary is not divisive; it pits groups against each other based on a distorted reality.

Candace Owens Is Not New To Controversy


Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time she has made problematic comments. Newsweek reported that Owens bet her career that French President Emmanual Macron’s wife was a man. 

“After looking into this, I would stake my entire professional reputation on the fact that Brigitte Macron is, in fact, a man,” Owens posted on X. “Any journalist or publication that is trying to dismiss this plausibility is immediately identifiable as establishment. I have never seen anything like this in my life. The implications here are terrifying.”

Owens feels that if the French president’s wife wanted to debunk the theories, she needed to post photos from her early years. Sadly, this wasn’t the last time she mentioned this specific theory. 


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The real issue here isn’t TikTok — it’s the spread of misinformation and harmful rhetoric about the LGBTQIA+ community. Social media platforms like TikTok give marginalized voices a place to be heard and seen. Owens’ framing of the platform as a tool for “social engineering” distracts from its real power: to connect people, build communities, and foster understanding. This may win her headlines, but it does nothing to promote understanding or acceptance.

What are your sentiments about Candace Ownes’ claims? Comment below!

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