Brandy Channels ‘Little Orphan Annie’ With Her New Afro [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago


Brandy’s been rocking a new Afro lately and we think it’s super cute!

The new ‘do was styled by her team Tym Wallace and Jasmine Ashley:

#badbish lol #fro #35 #us #dreamteam

My #fro looks better than yours, I can teach you, but I’mma have to charge!!

For those wondering, it’s not actually a natural fro — but instead Heat Free Hair’s wefted ‘For Kinks’ bundle.


She revealed that her mom has been cracking jokes about her choice of style, saying:

Making fun of my #fro now. #haha #laughterishealing #orphanannie and Annie is what my mom calls me.. #sshhhh #donttellnobody

Check out this cute video of Brandy performing a quick rendition of Annie’s “Tomorrow.”


What do you think of her look?

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