Brandy Breaks Up with Sir the Baptist After Finding Out About His Secret Baby Mama [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 8 years ago

Brandy’s relationship with Sir the Baptist is officially done.

Rumors first began to circulate about the end of their relationship when Brandy took to IG with some cryptic posts.

Then, Sir the Baptist got on Instagram Live with another woman — claiming not to know where Brandy is when asked by a fan.


“I don’t know where Brandy at fam, she’s at home somewhere,” said Sir. “We good, you don’t have to ask about Brandy every time.”

According to Bossip, he withheld the fact that Brandy left him because she found out he has two kids AND a baby mama that he never mentioned to her.

Not only that, but the baby’s mother AND kids showed up to the Essence Festival while he was there with Brandy.


Following the IG shade, Brandy took to Instagram to talk about someone trying to ‘disturb’ her peace and a few other things that were later deleted.

From the desk of #brandy (swipe for more)

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Another one of Brandy’s baes bites the dust.

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