Watch: This Is What Happens When Black Women Try on ‘Nude’ Clothing [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago


When it comes to fashion, a ‘nude’ color is used to give the illusion of blending in with your skin tone.

The only problem is that ‘nude’ often means one very specific type of color to match one very specific type of skin tone.

Basically, if you’re not some version of peachy-tan colored — you can forget it.


To help illustrate this problem, Buzzfeed created a video in which several Black women model ‘nude’ items to show how close (or not) the color is to their actual skin tones.

Check out the video below!

Thankfully, some companies are starting to recognize this problem and have taken steps to fix it– including Christian Louboutin, Nubian Skin, and Tkees.

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