Video Shows Handcuffed Man Viciously Beat By Police In Chattanooga; DA Refers Case To Justice Dept


Published 5 years ago

Chattanooga, Tenn. — (Scroll Down For Video) — Hamilton County District Attorney General Neal Pinkston has requested the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) investigate an incident that occurred in Hamilton County on May 23, 2020. On that date, several deputies with the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department arrested Reginald Arrington Jr. on the following charges: resisting arrest, simple assault on police, criminal impersonation, pedestrian in roadway and four counts of aggravated assault on police.

During the arrest process, the officers and Arrington got into a physical altercation. General Pinkston said the bodycam and dashcam footage from the officers caused enough concern to warrant an investigation. “I have not made a final determination on anything related to this case,” said General Pinkston, “but what I saw in the videos was troubling. That’s why I’m requesting a thorough investigation to ascertain whether or not excessive force was used in this incident.” The officers involved in this incident are white.

Arrington, who is from Ohio, is African American. General Pinkston added that all of the charges against Arrington were dropped today.


[via Breaking911]

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