Tyrese Breaks Down in Tears at Paul Walker’s Crash Site [Photos]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago


The tragic news of Paul Walker’s death left his friends devastated, with many taking to Twitter to share their grief.

Paul’s Fast And Furious co-star Tyrese Gibson was among those who paid tribute, and also arrived at the scene of the car crash to pay his respects.

As he approached the site, he became so overcome with emotion that he couldn’t speak.



He left a yellow flower behind and walked away with a piece of the wreckage.


Later he posted on Instagram:


At least I got to say I love you…. #OurLastExchange but our laughs and moments will live forever #ThisIsWorstThanMyWorstNightmare #GodiLoveYouAndiwillneverquestionYou…. But this I just don’t understand #PaulForeverFamily #MyHeartHurtsSoBad please pray for his daughter and family…

I will keep your energy with me forever #AshesOfAnAngel fast family around the world we live you and we love you Paul is the heartbeat of this franchise and were gonna see to it that his energy and presence lives on forever #myhearthurtssobad



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