Towanda Braxton Throws Serious Shade at Tamar’s Husband Vince on Twitter

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago


If you watch Braxton Family Values, then you know that things are a little tense between Tamar Braxton and her sisters.

It looks like things have only gotten worse, as Towanda threw some major shade towards Tamar’s husband Vince.

It all started when a fan called Towanda jealous of her little sister on Twitter.


“And she can’t help it that her husband is a multimillionaire and yours is a bum! #bvf @towandabraxton #jealous,” the user wrote.

That’s when Towanda fired back, saying:


Ouch. It’s one thing to get into a disagreement with your sister, it’s another thing to put her family’s financial situation on blast across the entirety of the Internet.


Maybe Towanda’s still bitter about how Tamar shaded her relationship with Kordell Stewart…

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