Torrey Craig’s Ex, Olivia Davis, Apologizes To Megan Thee Stallion And Declares She’s “Not Racist”

BY: Walker

Published 2 months ago

Olivia Davis, who used to date Chicago Bulls player Torrey Craig before he moved on with Megan Thee Stallion, found herself at the center of a social media storm during a podcast interview discussing the NBA star and his new relationship.

Davis has issued an apology to Megan Thee Stallion after mispronouncing the Grammy-winning rapper’s name during a recent episode of the 3 Girls 1 Kitchen podcast. The moment went viral and received backlash, as Davis insinuated that Meg isn’t “blonde” enough for her ex—Meg’s new man—Torrey Craig.

TMZ caught up with the social media influencer following the incident, where she apologized and expressed that her remarks were “misunderstood.”


“I’ve never been called a racist in my entire life,” Davis began. “So, it’s just like a little bit of a shock to me. I’ve just been staying silent right now, just because of the disaster that’s been happening. I just feel it’s a little insensitive for people to be attacking. I obviously understand if they’re offended and I deeply apologize for that.”

The viral clip shows Davis reacting to a question about the Chicago Bulls player seemingly dating Meg. During the podcast, Davis messed up Megan’s name, saying, “Magan Thee Stallion? Mag Thee Stallion? What’s her name?” before agreeing that Meg isn’t his “type” because all of his exes are “blonde” like her and he only likes “pretty girls.”


Davis further clarified to the outlet: “I know her name, obviously. It was just a stupid dumb blonde moment in the moment during our podcast. And I actually do have an issue with pronouncing vowels sometimes. And I’m not gonna play the victim or use this as an excuse because I am foreign. I didn’t even speak English when I came here.”

Describing the incident as an “honest mistake,” she expressed admiration for the Houston star’s music. “I’m a fan of her work, and I feel terrible if my words came across as insensitive.”

Fans of Megan Thee Stallion were quick to call out the podcast hosts, taking issue with both the mispronunciation of Megan’s name and the insinuation that Craig’s “type” doesn’t include Black women. “You explain that you are relating his type to ‘blondes,’” one YouTube commenter wrote. “However, if Megan was to wear a blonde wig, you 100% know you would still have the question of who his type really is.”

Another fan didn’t hold back, saying, “Y’all hate when Black men don’t want you anymore. You THINK you’re the preference, babe. You’re easy. Be real with yourself.” A third commenter added, “I find it real weird how y’all are questioning if a BLACK MAN finds BLACK WOMEN attractive when he came out of a BLACK WOMAN. Like HO* IS YOU COOL???”


One more person remarked, “MEG THE STALLION. Of course he wants to be with a black woman???? His mom and sisters and cultural friends are all black. It’s clear that you probably wouldn’t fit in or get an invite to the cookout. He didn’t leave u bc ur a snow bunny he left because there’s better women out there and you make that clear every time you open your mouth. Yall are so stupid man. Yall act like you’re scared of her hips im dead. She’s the most beautiful of all 4.”

via: Vibe

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