Say What Now? Kid Destroys $15,000 Lego Statue an Hour After Exhibit Opens

BY: Denver Sean

Published 9 years ago

say what lego statue

There seems to be a trend of neglectful parents this week.

A four-year-old boy pushed over and destroyed a giant figure at the opening of LEGO Expo in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province on Sunday. The statue was valued at $15,000.



The model was of Nick, a character from the movie Zootopia. The artist who made the statue spent three days constructing it brick by brick. He shared photos of the process on social media.

The parents of the boy apologized for his actions, and their apology was accepted — without request for compensation from the artist.

“The child did not intend to break it,” he insisted.

Check out photos of the statue below. It was really cute…before it was destroyed.


[via CCTV]

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